
IFData Pages Information

GET SarbData/IFData/GetAllTypes

Returns a listing of all IFTypes

GET SarbData/IFData/GetPeriods/{ifType}

Gets the valid periods for each IFType

GET SarbData/IFData/GetInstitutions/{ifType}/{period}

Gets the Institutions for a particular month

GET SarbData/IFData/GetInstitutionData/{ifType}/{period}/{institutionId}

Gets institution data


Monetary Contributions functions

GET MCM/Categories

Get monetary contribution categories

GET MCM/Contributions/{category}

Get monetary contributions per category


GET IIMS/InsurerList

Get Insurer List


Web Indicators - Home Page Rates + Release of Selected Data + Economic and Financial Data for South Africa

GET WebIndicators/HomePageRates

Gets the values for the Home Page Rates, such as, CPI, PPI, etc.

GET WebIndicators/CurrentMarketRates

Gets Current Market Rates.

GET WebIndicators/CPDRates

Gets the values for the CPD Rates, such as, CPD.

GET WebIndicators/HistoricalExchangeRatesDaily

Gets the Historical Daily Exchange Rates

GET WebIndicators/HistoricalExchangeRatesMonthly

Gets the Historical Monthly Exchange Rates

GET WebIndicators/ReleaseOfSelectedData

Returns the items that show on the "Release of Selected Data" page of the web site together with their Latest Date and Last Period.

GET WebIndicators/ReleaseOfSelectedData/MonthlyIndicators/{dataType}

Provides the data for 'Release of Selected Data' in sections "Release of Selected Data" and "Credit and Deposit Analysis"

GET WebIndicators/ReleaseOfSelectedData/MonthlyIndicatorsAll/{dataType}

Provides the data for 'Release of Selected Data' in Download Excel File

GET WebIndicators/ReleaseOfSelectedData/MoneyAndBankingGraphs/{graphNumber}

Provides data for one of the four 'Money and Banking' graphs

GET WebIndicators/ReleaseOfSelectedData/InternationalEconomicsGraphs/{graphNumber}

Provides data for one of the three 'International Economics' graphs

GET WebIndicators/ReleaseOfSelectedData/CapitalMarketsGraphs/{graphNumber}

Provides data for one of the four 'Capital Markets' graphs

GET WebIndicators/ReleaseOfSelectedData/NationalGovernmentGraphs/{graphNumber}

Provides data for one of the three 'National Government Finance' graphs

GET WebIndicators/ReleaseOfSelectedData/EconomicIndicators/{graphNumber}

Provides data for one of the four 'Economic Indicators' graphs

GET WebIndicators/EconFinDataForSA/LastUpdatePeriod

Gets the last update period of Economic and Financial data

GET WebIndicators/EconFinDataForSA/GetRealSectorData

Gets Real Sector data for Economic and Financial data section of the website

GET WebIndicators/EconFinDataForSA/GetBusinessCyclesData

Gets Business Cycles data for Economic and Financial data section of the website

GET WebIndicators/EconFinDataForSA/GetFiscalSectorData

Gets Fiscal Sector data for Economic and Financial data section of the website

GET WebIndicators/EconFinDataForSA/GetFinancialSectorData

Gets Financia lSector data for Economic and Financial data section of the website

GET WebIndicators/EconFinDataForSA/GetExternalSectorData

Gets External Sector data for Economic and Financial data section of the website

GET WebIndicators/EconFinDataForSA/GetPopulationData

Gets Population data for Economic and Financial data section of the website

GET WebIndicators/EconFinDataForSA/GetFootNotes

Gets footnotes for Economic and Financial data section of the website

GET WebIndicators/OtherIndicators

Gets data for the 'Other Indicators' section of the website

GET WebIndicators/OtherIndicators/HistoricalDatesOfRateChanges

Gets data for the Historical Dates of Rate Changes in the 'Other Indicators' section of the website

GET WebIndicators/Shared/GetTimeseriesObservations/{timeseriesCode}

Gets the timeseries observations for a particular timeseries code. Generally used for graphing times series observations.

GET WebIndicators/Shared/GetTimeseriesObservations/{timeseriesCode}/{startDate}/{endDate}

Gets the timeseries observations for a particular timeseries code, startdate, enddate. Generally used for graphing times series observations.

GET WebIndicators/Shared/GetCategoryInformation/{dataCategory}

Gets the definitions for a particular datacategory.

GET WebIndicators/Shared/GetTypeInformation/{dataType}

Gets the definitions for a particular dataType.